New Announcement – All SNS Extensions are Now Available with their Main Plugins

New Announcement - All SNS Extensions are Now Available with their Main Plugins

We want to inform you all that we have merged all SNS extensions in their respective main Plugins. So, from now all the extensions will not be available separately, but in their main plugins only.

If you have already installed our plugins on your website, then you can upgrade them with the latest version to get all their extensions on your website.

New Announcement - All SNS Extensions are Now Available with their Main Plugins

So here is the list of Plugins in which have merged their respective extensions:

  1. Advanced Events Plugin

  2. Advanced Contests Plugin:

  3. Page Directories Plugin

  4. Group Communities Plugin

  5. Business Directories Plugin

  6. Community Advertisements Plugin

  7. Advanced Listings Plugin

  8. Advanced Job Plugin

  9. Advanced Blogs Plugin

  10. Stores Marketplace Plugin


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