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Multiple Listing Builder (Reviews & Rating) Plugin



SKU: N/A Category:

Compatible With: SocialEngine 6.6.0

Software Version: 6.6.0

Last Update: July 22, 2024

Multiple Listing Builder (Reviews & Ratings) Plugin

Start creating Multiple Listings from a single Plugin as it can be a very important and powerful plugin for your website.

SocialEngin Advanced Listing Plugin

What is Multiple Listing Builder Plugin?

Multiple Listing Builder (Reviews & Ratings) Plugin can become an important part for your websites. With the help of this plugin you can create various different types of plugins , think of any idea like Food, Blogs, Articles, Sports, Products & many more…. and it could be an individual plugin on your website. It will help you to reduce the overhead and save time to make the site more attractive & engaging with less efforts.

Possibilities with Multiple Listing Builder

Create numbers of new Listing Types with this Plugin.
Possibilities are not just limited, these are only few!
  • Multiple Listing Builder (Reviews & Ratings) PluginClothing Listing Type
  • Multiple Listing Builder (Reviews & Ratings) PluginElectronics Listing Type
  • Multiple Listing Builder (Reviews & Ratings) PluginBeauty Listing Type
  • Multiple Listing Builder (Reviews & Ratings) PluginReal Estate Listing Type

Creation of Different Plugins

Using Multiple Listing Builder (Reviews & Ratings) Plugin you can create as many as Listing Types you want which will help you in increasing the user engagement on the website. You can also create as many as Listings you want for Different Listing Types. Here you can select the functionalities & features of various Listing Types according to your requirements.

  • Unlimited Listing Types

    Create as many as Listing Types you can. Think of any idea and just create it via this plugin like Listings, Blogs, Food, Products, Sports and many more….

  • Unlimited Listings

    For the different Listing Types, you can create as many as Listings you want. You will see the difference in functionalities due to the configurations done by the site owner.

What All Listings Have?

Listings created with this plugin offers you:

  • Attractive Profile Design View
  • User Reviews
  • Expert Reviews
  • Easy to Create & Manage via Dashboard
  • Categories
  • 6 Amazing Design Views
  • Listing Roles
  • Shareable Listings

Reviews & Ratings

Reviews & Ratings plays a very important role for everyone as Reviews & Ratings decide the quality of product / data / information, etc.. Large and Good Reviews tell the accuracy of quality and if we talk about Expert Reviews then the confidence of users on that thing increases. Similarly, we have done this in our Plugin also. You can create Experts which will give their reviews for various Listing Types whichever they find useful.

  • User Reviews & Ratings

    Users can give Reviews & Ratings on various Listings according to their choice and views on the Listings which will help other users to know about those Listings.

  • Expert Review & Ratings

    You can create an Expert on your Site which will give Expert Reviews on the Listings as expert reviews will attract the users more and will increase the visibility of Listings.

Various Powerful Features Of Multiple Listing Builder (Reviews & Ratings) Plugin

  • Customizable Listings Dashboard

    Listing Owners can easily edit any aspect of Listing, price, location, can add contact information and much more….

  • Attractive Listing Profile Design View

    Users can create as many listings & those listings will get displayed beautifully on Profile Page.

  • Shareable Listings

    Users can share Listings on various other platforms or within the Site or via messaging according to their need & choice.

  • Price for Listings

    Listings Price can also be given at the time of its creations which will get displayed to the users at various widgetized pages and sidebar widgets of this plugin.

  • 6 Amazing Design Views

    This plugin has very attractive, nice and elegant 6 design views for the listings to make the content more eye-catching.

  • Add Listing to Wishlist

    Users can add any Listing of their choice to the Wishlist which can be seen by them later or by the other users also.

  • Add Listing Locations

    Locations can be added for the listings while its creation which gets displayed at various widgetized pages.

  • Member Level Settings for Listings

    Member Level Settings are used to restrict features for certain member levels which will be decided by the site owner for various Listing Types.

  • Categories for Listings

    For Listings, site admin can create as many categories as he / she wants in which users can create their content.

  • Add to Compare

    If users want to find the best Listing among various or differences in various Listings then they can use this feature..

  • User Reviews

    Users are allowed to give reviews & ratings in the listings created on your website.

  • Popular Listing Tags

    Listing owners can add various tags for the listings while creating them which helps in increasing redirection.

  • Expert Reviews

    Experts which are made by site admin can give reviews and ratings for Listings to increase the content visibility.

  • 75+ Highly Configurable Widgets

    For this plugin, we have various widgets with the help of which Admin can allow the site users to create as many Listings as they want. All the widgets are highly configurable.

  • Easy to install, 100% Fully Responsive & RTL Supported

    This plugin is easy to install in just a single click, configure plugin as per choice and 100% responsive & completely RTL supported.

  • 90 Days Free Support from SocialNetworking.Solutions

    We are providing 90 days free support for this plugin.

Exclusive Pages for Multiple Listings Builder:

Let’s Explore Powerful & Robust Admin Panel

With the various startling features which Multiple Listing Builder (Reviews & Ratings) Plugin provides you, it also provides an easy to configure Admin Panel to customize each Listing precisely on your choice. Enable / disable settings whenever required.

  • Global Settings – Settings present in this section is common for all the Listing Types, means that these settings work commonly for all Listing Types made through this plugin.
  • Manageable Multiple Listing Types – This is the section from where you can create various Listing Types for you site and Manage them accordingly.
  • Manage Listings – This section lists all the Listings inspite of their Listing Types, you can search them on the basis of Listing Types if you want.
  • Member Level Settings – Here, you can manage various Member Level Settings for different Listing Types individually.
  • Categories – You can add Categories for the Listing Types made by you.
  • Review Settings – This section lists the settings for Reviews & Ratings and can be managed for all the Listing Types separately.
  • Statistics – Here, you will get to know the overview of the activities performed on your site for different Listing Types.
  • Manage Experts – If you want the Experts on your site then, you can make any site member as an Expert which can give the Expert Reviews for various Listings Types.
  • 20+ Widgetized Pages – This plugin provides you 20+ easy to customize Widgetized pages which you can set as per your choice for all the Listing Types.

1 Click Install & Easy To Setup

This plugin can be easily installed with 1 click and can be easily configured. Helpful Video Tutorials, Installation Tutorial and FAQs for this plugin will make it more easy for you to setup and allow your users to create listings on your website.

Multiple Listing Builder (Reviews & Ratings) Plugin

Lifetime Upgrades & 90 Days Free Support

Get free upgrades lifetime for this plugin and free support for first 90 days of your purchase.

Multiple Listing Builder (Reviews & Ratings) Plugin

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