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Advanced Events – Videos Extension


Advanced Events Videos Extension enabled to you upload Videos for the events on your website.
With this extension, you would be able to upload from Youtube (via Single URL and Playlists), Vimeo, Daily Motion, From URL, From Embed Code and My Computer.


SKU: N/A Categories: ,

Compatible With: SocialEngine 5.0.0

Software Version: 5.4.0

Last Update: Jan 8, 2021

Advanced Events Videos Extension enabled to you upload Videos for the events on your website.
With this extension, you would be able to upload from Youtube (via Single URL and Playlists), Vimeo, Daily Motion, From URL, From Embed Code and My Computer.

Key features

Attractive and customizable design

100% Responsive and RTL supported.

Allows embedding of videos from popular sources: YouTube (via Single URL and Playlists), Vimeo, Daily Motion, From URL, From Embed Code and My Computer.

Advance Share options for Video and Channels from their View (Profile) pages – quick Ajax share, sharing in Private Message, Socialshare, etc.

Multiple Design Layouts – Pinboard View, Grid View, List View, Slideshows, Carousel, etc.

Add Videos to Watch Later lists.

Main Photo for Videos.

Admin can choose number of videos members can upload based on their Member Levels.

Choice to Hide And Show information on Videos.

Built-in Social Sharing Functionality (Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest)

Rating on Videos.

Admin Settings to enable / disable various features.

Member Level Settings to restrict features to certain member levels.

Widgetized Pages for Videos Home, Location, View Page, etc.

Multiple Widgets.

Locations & Location Cluster

Users can choose to associate Locations with their Videos.

Filtering of videos over these locations is available in Videos Search widgets.

New Widgetized page for searching videos based on their Locations.

The searched videos are displayed in attractive location cluster.

When there is more than 1 video for same location, then this cluster is formed and is opened very nicely in circular format.

A red line is shown, on mouse-over of each video, highlighting its path from Original Location.

On mouse-over on any video, you can view the video in small grid view there in the map.

You can search videos over proximity and other search options on widgetized Locations page.

This page can be easily enabled / disabled from the admin panel.

Video Embedding via 4 Options

Choice to upload videos via 7 options – YouTube (via Single URL and Playlists), Dailymotion, Vimeo, From URL, From Embed Code and My Computer. [My Computer feature requires FFMPEG to be installed on your server.]

Choose Location for Videos.


Videos Can:
~ be Created.
~ be Rated.
~ have locations.
~ be Added to Watch Later list.
~ have Main photos.
~ be Liked and Commented.
~ be marked Featured, Sponsored, Hot or Of the Day from admin panel.

3 Views: Pinboard, List and Grid view of Videos in various widgetized pages and widgets.

Widgetized Pages

Video Home Page

browse Locations Page

Video Create Page

Video Edit Page

Video View Page

Admin Panel

Admin Can:
~ Enable / disable Locations for videos:
    – Choose proximity search unit – Kilometer / miles for searching videos.
~ Enable / Disable various features Globally and for certain Member Levels:
    – Rating on Videos.
    – Sharing of Videos.
    – Reporting of Videos.
    – Choose number of videos to be created by members depending on their Member Levels.
~ Manage Videos
~ Entering criteria into the filter fields will help you find and take appropriate actions on specific entries in Manage Pages.
~ View Statistics

Note: This plugin is 100% responsive with all responsive themes.

Domain Limit

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