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Advanced Contests – Voting by Jury Members Plugin


Make the contests on your site more realistic and valuable with the exclusive Voting by Jury Members plugin.

By Enabling Voting by Jury Members Plugin – you can allow the contest owners to add jury members in their contests, jury members will have more weightage of their votes as compared to other voters on your site.

Only site members can be added as jury members, but after becoming jury members for a contest they are no more like normal site members for that contest, now their votes are more valuable than other members and they will be able to vote only once for one entry even the admin has allowed multiple voting on entries for the contests.


Make the contests on your site more realistic and valuable with the exclusive Voting by Jury Members plugin

By Enabling Voting by Jury Members Plugin – you can allow the contest owners to add jury members in their contests, jury members will have more weightage of their votes as compared to other voters on your site.

Only site members can be added as jury members, but after becoming jury members for a contest they are no more like normal site members for that contest, now their votes are more valuable than other members and they will be able to vote only once for one entry even the admin has allowed multiple voting on entries for the contests.

Why Jury Members are important in a contest

Domain Specific Contests

In a contest based on some specific domain, on which some expert can take better decisions than a normal person. In this scenario, contest owner can add those site members as jury members who have good knowledge in that domain, and who are wise enough to take unbiased decisions and can give their valuable votes to best participants.

Make Contests more Realistic

If the contests owners have added some known and famous personalities as the jury members in their contests then it increases the trust and interest of other members to join the contest more. In such case you will be able to collect more quality and good entries on your site.


Contest Member Level Settings

Allow to Add Jury Members: This plugin enables you to allow the contest owners (based on their member level) to have a choice to enable voting in their contest by “Jury Members”, “Site Members” or “Both” or not.

Jury Member Count: If you have chosen Yes for the above setting then you will be able to mention the maximum number of Jury members to be added in the contests created by user of that member level.

Contest Dashboard Options

Manage Jury:

  • Under Manage Jury Tab contest owners can add jury members for their contests. When they start typing the name of some member, the auto suggestion of all related names will come that will help the contest owners to easily find their jury members on site. Once the members are added, they will be able to vote during the voting start and end date and other settings will work as it is.
  • Contest Owners can also delete jury members if mistakenly added in their contests. But once the jury members have given their valuable votes to some entry in the contests, then those jury members can’t be deleted from the list of jury members.

Integration with “Packages for Allowing Contest Creation”

Once you enable Packages for Allowing Contest Creation on your site then both the above settings of Contest Member Level will be moved from Contest Member Level to Contest Packages.

Entry Member Level Settings

Jury Vote Count Weightage:With this plugin you can set the vote count weightage for the jury members on the basis of their member level. For Example:if you have entered 5 in this setting then the one voting done by the jury member of this level will increase the total vote count by 5.

Widget Jury Members

All the added jury members of a contest can be seen by anyone on Contest View Page inside the widget Jury Members.

Contest Voting

With this plugin enabled Contest Owners can enable Voting by Jury Members in their contests at the time of Contest Creation by selecting any of the option from “Jury Members Only” or “Both Jury Members & Site Users” options for the setting “Voting Audience”

  • Jury Members Only
  • Site Users Only
  • Both Jury Members & Site Users

Domain Limit

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