SNS Plugins & Themes Compatibility with SE PHP 6.6.0 - Coupon Code: Upgrade_25

LinkedIn Clone Package

$1,605.00 $699.00

Build your own Social Professional Network just LinkedIn & get connected with Professionals with the help of this package.

Actual Cost$1605
You Need to Pay$699

Professional Linkedin Clone Theme

Advanced Job Plugin

Professional Profile Fields Plugin

Ultimate Members Plugin

Group Communities Plugin

People You May Know Plugin

Advanced Videos & Channels Plugin

Questions & Answers Plugin

Questions & Answers are very important for any business, e-commerce shop or an online community as these helps users ask about their queries and get instant answers by not only the website administrators, but also the other users of website. In addition to questions about site, users can ask general questions, code related questions, country, city or questions related to some specific location.

This Question & Answer plugin is a very powerful and robust plugin that enables your users to Ask Questions and get Answers which builds a complete Question & Answer system for your Socialengine site. You can have question and answers for your website or any specific idea as per your requirements. With the URL and Text change capabilities of this plugin, you can use it for multiple purposes.

With this plugin users can not only answer questions, but can also upvote / downvote questions and answers and choose a best answer for their questions on your website. Possibility to add Poll Questions highly increases the usability of this plugin to server all your purposes related to anything Question & Answers.

Advanced Blog Plugin

Professional Activity & Nested Comments Plugin

Professional GDPR Plugin

SocialEngine Search Plugin

Professional Search Plugin

Site Tour by Auto Logging With Test User Plugin

An awesome website is developed, various Membership Levels are decided and in spite of Free Membership available, visitors are not joining the website as expected. This sometimes happen because people are afraid of Spam mails and promotions that fill up their inboxes.

Community Advertisements Plugin

Advanced Events Plugin

Professional Share Plugin

Professional Share Plugin

This plugin quickly deploy the social sharing options on your website. With a variety of display types like sticky social share buttons in sidebar, fly-ins, social share buttons with counter, etc your visitors can easily share your content on various social medias of their choice.

JS & CSS Minify Plugin

JS & CSS Minify Plugin is the best plugin to compress, combine and concatenate yout multiple JS and CSS files to optimize the browser performance of your website and reduce the page load time. It compresses files by upto 80% of their original size. This plugin empowers your SE website to load faster by reducing the HTTP requests and JS / CSS abndwidth, returning compressed, compact and consolidated code, removing unnecessary white spaces and comments, etc and thereby reducing the number of requests which will improve the performance of your website.

Advanced Photos & Albums Plugin

Email Verification Reminder Plugin

Member Profiles Cover Photo & Video Plugin

Fixed / Floating Page Columns Widget

If you website has 3 Column or 2 Column Layout Pages, having content of different length in each column, then scrolling down can decrease the attractiveness of your website due to spaces visible in the columns. To overcome this problem, we have created this unique widget which will fix the column with lesser content when users scroll down the pages on your website.

Stories Feature in Website


Linkedin Clone Package is best suited for all the professionals who want to create a social network just like linkedin as it connects millions of professionals worldwide. It is a full fledged bumper package which enables you to give complete look just like linkedin to your SE based website. It consists of 26+ highly configurable products which help you to create Jobs, Groups, Events, Blogs, Members, News, Videos & Channels, Ads, Q&A etc. on your professional social network. This package includes our most demanding Professional Linkedin Clone Theme which provides you all the features & functionalities to give professional look just like LinkedIn.

NOTE: This package does not include SocialEngine. So, SocialEngine has to be purchased separately from here:

Professional Linkedin Clone Theme

Advanced Job Plugin

Professional Profile Fields Plugin

Ultimate Members Plugin

Group Communities Plugin

People You May Know Plugin

Advanced Videos & Channels Plugin

Questions & Answers Plugin

Advanced Blog Plugin

Professional Activity & Nested Comments Plugin

Professional GDPR Plugin

Professional Search Plugin

Site Tour by Auto Logging With Test User Plugin

Community Advertisements Plugin

Advanced Events Plugin

Professional Share Plugin

JS & CSS Minify Plugin

Advanced Photos & Albums Plugin

Email Verification Reminder Plugin

Member Profiles Cover Photo & Video Plugin

Fixed / Floating Page Columns Widget

Stories Feature in Website

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