Email Verification Reminder Plugin



Compatible With: SocialEngine v7.0 or above

Software Version: 7.1.0

Last Update: Jan 18, 2025

Get more Verified Emails on your website with this plugin

Email Verification Reminder plugin reminds users to verify their email addresses if they have not already verified their emails. This plugin also send the verification link to the email of a user after signup on your website.

In default signup process, you have only 2 choices: a) Enable Email Verification and b) Just send members a welcome email. With the option (a) – users will not be able to login to their account until they verify their emails or admin approves their account and in option (b) – users will never get an option to verify their email.

But, with this plugin: you have a chance to enable option (b) on your website and enable users to verify their emails on your website. They can send a link to their email and click on it to verify their emails. Moreover, you can enable auto account suspension which will automatically mark users as unapproved on your website if they do not verify their emails for the duration specified from admin panel.

With the email verification, you would be able to:

To verify user’s identity

If you want to allow users to signup on your website without verifying their emails before using your website, then this plugin will help you by reminding your users to verify emails later on your website.

Genuine users

With more verified emails, you will have more genuine users and more users trust on your website. This plugin has a close integration with the Advanced Members Plugin, that if a member has its email verified, then it is shown with the Verify icon of the Advanced Members Plugin when users mouseover on this icon.

Auto Account Suspension

You can also choose to auto suspend the account of users who have not verified their email on your website. You will also be able to choose number of days after which their accounts will be suspended (Un-Approved) from the date of their signup on your website.
Once users are Un-Approved, you can Approve them from the Manage >> Members >> Edit Member >> Approve setting.

Fight Spam

This plugin will help you fight with the spam emails and fake users on your website by Suspending their accounts if they do not verify their emails within a certain specified duration. (Duration is admin configurable.)

Filter Verified and Non-verified users

Description: From the admin panel of this plugin, you can easily filter users who have verified their emails and who have not. You can also mark them as Verified, if you know they are verified email members. You can also approve / disapprove members based on their email verification status.

Reduce fraud or mischievous activities

With the verified email addresses, their would be very less chances of frauds, spams or any other mischievous activity on your website as you will be able to easily filtered users based on their verified emails and take actions accordingly.

What users have to do:

See the Tip and Verify their Emails

Users will see a tip which is configured from the admin panel which will remind them to verify their email on your website and in turn they will be encouraged to verify their emails.


Request for New Email Verification Link

With the option (b) during signup process where you have enabled “Just send members a welcome email”, users will not get verification email, so users will see a “send it again” link to get the verification link on their emails to verify it on your website.

Admin panel:

This plugin provides you a very rich & powerful admin panel to customize the Email Verification Reminder Tip for your websites. Below are the settings which an admin can configure:

Tip Message

You can enter the text for the tip which will be shown to users for getting their emails verified, until they verify their emails on your website.

Text for %s (Resend The Verification Link) in Tip

You can enter the text to be entered for %s in the tip. %s will be the text for link to resend the verification email.

Display Close Button?

You can choose to enable users to see a close button on email verification tip using which they can close the verification reminder tip.

Email Verification Tip Visibility

You can choose after how many days will the email verification tip be visible to users once closed? [Enter ‘0’, if you want email verification tip to be visible each time to users visit your website.]

Tip Background Color

You can choose and enter the background color of the tip to make it match your site’s theme and color scheme.

Tip Font Color

You can choose and enter the font color of the tip to make it match your site’s theme and color scheme.

Auto Suspend Duration

You can enter the number of days after which users accounts will be suspended (disabled) if they do not verify their emails from the date of their signup on your website. Once users are Un-Approved, you can Approve them from the Manage >> Members >> Edit Member >> Approve setting.

Manage Members for Email Verification

This plugin has a separate page to list all the members of your website with the status of their email verification and account status. From here, you can choose to manually mark a member as Verified (for verified email) / Unverified or Approved / Disapproved.

Domain Limit

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