SNS Plugins & Themes Compatibility with SE PHP 6.6.0 - Coupon Code: Upgrade_25

Advanced Videos & Channels Plugin



SKU: sesvideo Category:

Compatible With: SocialEngine 6.6.0

Software Version: 6.6.0

Last Update: July 22, 2024

Today, is the world of Videos. A lot of people prefer to watch videos rather than just have a look look at photos or read the write ups. Videos are more engaging as compared to the static content on your website. Videos help you make your visitors stay longer on your website, and thus reducing the bounce rate, so it is also becomes more important to attractively display the videos on your website.

Advanced Videos & Channels plugin provides you all the tools and features which will not only showcase the videos on your website to their best, but also support uploading of videos from Youtube (via Single URL and Playlists), Vimeo, Daily Motion and from your computer. The attractive Lightbox Viewer, enable your users to view a videos wherever they are on the website.

This plugin provides you the facility to not only create Videos, but also Channels, Playlists and Artists. Admins can also choose to upload HTML5 Video Background for any widgetized page of your website like Landing Page, Videos Welcome Page, etc.

Fullscreen responsive Lightbox Viewers, Grid View, Welcome Page, Categories Views, in-build Social Sharing, videos send via SE message are a few of the FEATURES from this plugin which you will surely love to Have!

This plugin is not dependant on SE Video Sharing Plugin but is fully compatible with this SE plugin.

SocialEngine Advanced Video
Key features

Attractive and customizable design

100% Responsive and RTL supported.

HTML5 Video Background

Allows embedding of videos from popular sources: YouTube (via Single URL and Playlists), Dailymotion, Vimeo and My Computer.

Advance Share options for Video and Channels from their View (Profile) pages – quick Ajax share, sharing in Private Message, Socialshare, etc.

Admin can add Artists to their websites.

Multiple Design Layouts – Pinboard View, Grid View, List View, Slideshows, Carousel, etc.

Choice of 2 Built-In Lightboxes – Basic and Advanced Lightbox Viewers

Creation of Videos, Channels and Playlists.

Add Videos to Watch Later lists.

users can Follow channels to stay updated to their activities.

Categorized Display of Videos and Channels.

Custom Fields: Create, add or remove custom fields. Category – Custom Fields Mapping will allow you to display custom form fields on the basis of various categories. Unlimited numbers of fields are permitted.

Cover Photo for Videos and Channels.

Main Photo for Videos, Channels, Playlists and Artists.

Admin can choose number of videos and channels members can upload based on their Member Levels.

Choice to Hide And Show information on Videos and channels

Members can upload unlimited videos into Channels.

Redirection option upon clicking Videos Menu in Main Navigation Menu – Welcome Page or Videos Home Page.

Built-in Social Sharing Functionality (Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest)

Rating on Videos, Channels and Artists.

Adding Videos, Channels, Playlists and Artists to Favorites.

Organized Manage Videos section to find Liked, Favourite, Videos, Channels, etc.

Categories / 2nd-level categories / 3rd-level categories of Videos [same categories are used for Channels].

Activity Feeds, Site Notifications and Email Notifications are sent for all important actions.

Admin Settings to enable / disable various features.

Member Level Settings to restrict features to certain member levels.

Widgetized Pages for Videos Welcome Page, Videos Home, Pinboard Video, Location, Channels Home, Browse Pages for Videos, Channels, Playlists, Artists, View Pages, Manage Pages, Browse Categories Page, Category View Page, etc.

Multiple Widgets.

HTML5 Video Background

HTML5 Video Background creates a fullscreen video background using html5 video for your website.

Admin can choose to play Videos in Landing Page, Videos Welcome Page and / or any other widgetized pages on your website.

Multiple HTML5 Video Background can be created to enable you to place and play different videos on different widgetized pages.

An HTML5 Video Background can have multiple Videos and or Photos, and these can be played one by one Automatically or users can also use Thumbnails strip for navigation. [Automatic slideshow play and enable / disable thumbnails are admin configurable.]

For each video or photo admin can add caption, description, additional button, sign up form.

Admin can choose to enable / disable sound of videos.

Layout for HTML5 Video Background
~ Admin can choose to show Site logo, SocialEngine Main Menu, SocialEngine Mini Menu over the video background
~ The video background could be chosen to show in full width or normal site width.

Easy Manage section in admin to upload videos and photos into video backgrounds.

Videos and Photos can be dragged and dropped for changing order in any HTML5 video background.

HTML5 Video Background
Locations & Location Cluster

Users can choose to associate Locations with their Videos.

Filtering of videos over these locations is available in Videos Search widgets.

New Widgetized page for searching videos based on their Locations.

The searched videos are displayed in attractive location cluster.

When there is more than 1 video for same location, then this cluster is formed and is opened very nicely in circular format.

A red line is shown, on mouse-over of each video, highlighting its path from Original Location.

On mouse-over on any video, you can view the video in small grid view there in the map.

You can search search videos over proximity and other search options on widgetized Locations page.

This page can be easily enabled / disabled from the admin panel.

Locations & Location Cluster

This plugin is integrated with SocialEngine PHP plugins and features:

Activity Feeds: Videos coming in activity feeds when clicked will open in Lightbox Viewer.

Private Messaging:
~ On clicking video titles, users will be redirected to Video View Page.
~ Click on play Video thumbnails to open videos in attractive Basic or Advanced Lightbox Viewer.

Welcome Page

A Welcome page enables you to highlight special videos via HTML5 Video Background and various widgets, channels, artists on your website. You can brief your users the benefit to share their videos on your website

You can choose to enable the Videos Welcome page as the Landing Page of your website.

You can enable / disable this page by choosing the redirection from Videos menu in Main Navigation Menu.

You can choose who can view this page – Only logged in users, Only non-logged in users or Both, logged-in and non-logged in users.

2 Built-In Lightboxes

Basic Lightbox Viewer & Advanced Lightbox Viewer

Admins can choose Lightbox Viewer to be shown to members depending on their Member Levels.

Both these lightbox viewers are 100% responsive.

Keyboard shortcuts: “L” key to “Like”, “F” key to “Add to Favourites”, “Right Arrow” for next video, “Left Arrow” for previous video, “ESC” to close the lightbox viewer.

Various Options depending on user’s access rights.

Video Owners can edit Title, Description and Location of their videos from within the Lightbox Viewer.

Enter / exit Fullscreen.

Advanced Lightbox Viewer has additional features:
~ Viewers can see all videos of the users from within the lightbox viewer.
~ When users try to click to view next video on Last video, then Recent and Popular Videos are shown in attractive popup.
~ When users try to click to view previous video on First video, then all videos are shown in the bottom section of the lightbox.

Video Lightbox
Video Embedding via 4 Options

Choice to upload videos via 4 options – YouTube (via Single URL and Playlists), Dailymotion, Vimeo and My Computer. [My Computer feature requires FFMPEG to be installed on your server.]

Choose Location for Videos.


Videos Can:
~ be Created.
~ be Rated.
~ be Added to Favorite.
~ have locations.
~ be Added to Playlist.
~ be Added to Watch Later list.
~ have Main photos and Cover Photos.
~ be Liked and Commented.
~ be marked Featured, Sponsored, Hot or Of The Day from admin panel.

Categories / 2nd-level categories / 3rd-level categories can be added.

3 Views: Pinboard, List and Grid view of Videos in various widgetized pages and widgets.


Channels can be:
~ be Created.
~ be Followed [or Subscribed]
~ be Rated.
~ be Added to Favorite.
~ be Added to Playlist.
~ have Main photos and Cover Photos.
~ be Liked and Commented.
~ be marked Featured, Sponsored, Hot or Of The Day from admin panel.

Categories / 2nd-level categories / 3rd-level categories of Videos are used for categorization.

Can have Photos: Dependent on “Advanced Photos & Albums Plugin“.

Can have Songs: Dependent on “Advanced Music Albums, Songs &amp Playlists Plugin

Channel Subscription: Users can easily Follow / Subscribe channels on your website.
~ Subscribers receive Notifications and Emails when new videos are added to their subscribed channels.
~ Channels Owners receives a notification when new users subscribe to their channels.


Playlists Can be:
~ Created with any number of Videos.
~ be Added to Favorite.
~ be marked Featured, Of The Day from admin panel.

List view and carousel for Playlists in various widgetized pages and widgets.


Artists Can:
~ be Rated.
~ be Added to Favorite.
~ have their own photo and about artist description.

Users can select multiple artists for their videos.

Only Admins can add Artists from admin panel.

Grid view for Artists in various widgetized pages and widgets.

Various Layouts   Views

This plugin has various views for Videos and / or Channels:

~ Grid View

~ List View

~ Pinboard View
~ Admins can enable / disable commenting from the Pinboards on the spot.

~ Advanced Grid View

~ Map View for widgetized Locations Page


Admins can create Categories, 2nd-level categories and 3rd-level categories for Videos: Allows you to easily categorize Albums into various Categories, 2nd-level categories and 3rd-level categories of your choice.

2 Widgetized Pages – Browse Categories Page and Category View Page.

Categories Can:
~ have Icons.
~ have thumbnails
~ Description
~ Own Category Slug. This slug will be automatically selected as that of the Category Name.
~ be shown in text view or Cloud View.
~ easily reordered in the admin panel.
~ have Custom Profile Fields and mapping with them.
~ be categorized to 3 levels.
~ be created and associated with Videos as well as Channels.

Video Categories
Widgetized Pages

Videos Welcome Page

Videos Home Page

Browse Videos Page

Channels Home Page

Browse Channels Page

Browse Categories Page

Browse Playlists Page

Browse Artists Page

Video Create Page

Channel Create Page

Manage Videos Page

Video View Page

Channel View Page

Category View Page

Browse Tags Page

Admin Panel

Admin Can:
~ Add and Manage Videos in HTML5 Video Background and configure video background for various widgets pages.
~ Choose to enable Welcome Page as Landing Page of the website.
~ Choose to redirect users to Welcome Page or Videos Home Page on clicking Videos Menu in Main Navigation Menu bar.
~ Choose Lightbox Viewer from Basic Viewer or Advanced Viewer.
~ Choose proximity search unit – Kilometer / miles for searching videos.
~ Choose to make categories mandatory.
~ Enable / Disable various features Globally and for certain Member Levels:
– Rating on Videos and Channels
– Add to Favorite for Videos, Channels, Playlists and Artists
– Follow for Channels
– Sharing of Videos and Channels.
– Reporting of Videos, Channels and Playlists.
– Choose number of videos and channels to be created by members depending on their Member Levels.
– Choose number of videos and channels to be created by members depending on their Member Levels.

Manage Lightbox Settings:
~ Enable / disable to open videos in lightbox.
~ Upload private photo to be shown instead of videos to be shown to members who are not authorized to view them.
~ Enable / disable delete, share and report options to be shown in the lightbox.

Manage Videos

Manage Channels

Manage Playlists

Manage Artists

Add and manage Categories, 2nd-level categories and 3rd level categories.
~ Add and manage Custom Fields and map with categories.

Entering criteria into the filter fields will help you find and take appropriate actions on specific entries in all Manage Pages.

View Statistics

Note: This plugin is 100% Responsive and RTL supported.

Domain Limit

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