SNS Plugins & Themes Compatibility with SE PHP 6.6.0 - Coupon Code: Upgrade_25

Ultimate Members Plugin



SKU: sesmember Category:

Compatible With: SocialEngine 6.6.0

Software Version: 6.6.0

Last Update: July 22, 2024

Memberships are becoming increasingly popular and important on the web these days, which can prove invaluable for your business & website like member connections can be important for members in communities / websites related to of Bloggers, Dating, Careers & Jobs, Entertainment, etc who are logging for generating more income online, gather more information & provide better experiences to their existing members.

This Advanced Members Plugin provides you all the features required to increase member engagement on your website – Follow Members, Members Verification, Reviews & Ratings, Location & Proximity Search, Compliments, Featured, Sponsored, VIP, Member Of the Day and Automatic Birthday Wishes.

Members can Follow other members to get notified for new content created in all Official SE Plugins (Photo Albums, Blogs, Groups, Events, Music Sharing, Forums, Classifieds, Video Sharing, Polls), Advanced Photos & Albums Plugin, Advanced Videos & Channels Plugin and will work for 3rd party plugins on request.

Note: This Plugin is Compatible with our “Member Profiles Cover Photo & Video Plugin

SocialEngine Members Plugin
Key features

Attractive and customizable design.

100% Responsive and RTL supported.

Members can add their location.

Automatic Members Verified based on Profile Likes / Views

Members can Follow other members.

Reviews and Rating on Members.

Multiple Design Layouts – Pinboard View, Grid View, List View, Slideshows, Carousel, Advanced Grid View, Advanced List View, etc.

Admin can mark members as VIP, Featured, Sponsored and Member Of the Day.

Default Profile photo can be uploaded based on Member Profile Types.

Members can give Compliments to other members. Compliments are managed and added by admins in admin panel.

Different Layouts for “Member Home Page” and “Member Profile Page” can be chosen for different member levels. [To show demo, we have set 2 different pages on our demo website for 2 Member Level. Login with / 123456 and / 123456 to view the difference.]

Automatic birthday wishes can be sent to members on their birthdays. Admins can configure the birthday wish message from admin panel and can also enable / disable automatic wishes.

Members can choose to add 5 Featured Photos on their Member Profile Pages just like in Facebook. These photos are attractively shown on Member Profile Page.

Members can Like other members.

Recently viewed by me and recently viewed by my friends widgets for Member Profile Page.

Comes Pre-configured with widgetized pages – Browse Members, Nearest Members, Top Rated Members, Browse Members Reviews, Member Compliments, Locations & Pinboard View.

Members Locations

Members can add their locations.

Members can be searched based on this location

Admin can enable / disable users to enter their location

New separate widgetized page for browsing & searching members based on their locations.

Members can be searched based on their locations on a separate widgetized page with this plugin – Locations page

Nearest Members can be searched on a separate widgetized page with this plugin – Nearest Members page

Members Verification

Admin can choose members to be marked verified based on 2 criterias – Member Profile Likes & Member Profile Views.

Admin can enable / disable members verification.

Member Follow

Members can Follow / Unfollow other members.

Members Following and Followers can be seen on Member Profile Page.

Notifications will be sent when Followed members create any new content in Official SE Plugins (Photo Albums, Blogs, Groups, Events, Music Sharing, Forums, Classifieds, Video Sharing, Polls), Advanced Photos & Albums Plugin & Advanced Videos & Channels Plugin.

Notifications can be sent for any other 3rd party plugin on your website on request. So, contact our support team for this on

Notifications can be sent for actions other than content creation on request. So, contact our support team for this on

Admin can enable / disable members to Follow other members.

Reviews & Rating on Members

Members can review and rate other member’s profiles.

Admin can enable / disable members to review and rate their own profiles.

Pros, Cons, Description and Recommendations can be given while reviewing a membre profile.

Admin can enable / disable WYSIWYG editor for review description.

Admin configurable text on mouseover on Rating Stars.

Reviews can be marked Featured, Verified and Review Of the Day.

Based on Member Levels, reviews can be enabled / disabled to be viewed, written, edited, deleted and commented.

Ratings can be given over rating parameters also as configured by admin.

Members can be searched based on maximum ratings on a separate widgetized page with this plugin – Top Rated page


Members can compliment other members from their Member Profiles.

Admin can add and manage Compliments.

Compliments on a Member Profiles are attractively highlighted in a separate widget.

Automatic Birthday Wishes

Admin can choose to send birthday wishes to site members automatically.

Birthday Subject can be configured.

Birthday Message can be configured via WYSIWYG Editor.

Widgetized Pages

Popular / Featured / Sponsored / Verified Members Carousel

Popular / Featured / Verified Member Reviews

Browse Reviews


Members Liked

and More…

Popular / Featured / Sponsored / Verified Members Slideshow

Browse Members

Featured Photos


Widgetized Pages

Browse Members  

Top Rated Members  

Member Compliments  

Browse Pinboard View  

Different Layouts for “Member Home Page” and “Member Profile Page” can be chosen for different member levels.

Nearest Members  

Browse Member Reviews  


Review View Page

Admin Panel

Admin Can Enable / Disable:
~ Members Locations
~ Member Verification
~ Member Follow
~ Reviews & Ratings
~ Compliments on Members

Admin can mark members as VIP, Featured, Sponsored & Of the Day.

Manage Reviews & Rating Parameters.

Add & Manage Compliments.

Configure automatic birthday wishes.

Choose different Layouts for “Member Home Page” and “Member Profile Page” for different member levels.

Note: This plugin is 100% responsive with all responsive themes.

Domain Limit

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