SNS Plugins & Themes Compatibility with SE PHP 6.6.0 - Coupon Code: Upgrade_25

Site Tour by Auto Logging With Test User Plugin


An awesome website is developed, various Membership Levels are decided and in spite of Free Membership available, visitors are not joining the website as expected. This sometimes happen because people are afraid of Spam mails and promotions that fill up their inboxes.


SKU: sesdemouser-1 Categories: ,

Compatible With: SocialEngine 6.6.0

Software Version: 6.6.0

Last Update: July 22, 2024

An awesome website is developed, various Membership Levels are decided and in spite of Free Membership available, visitors are not joining the website as expected. This sometimes happen because people are afraid of Spam mails and promotions that fill up their inboxes.

Login using Social sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc are quite easy and just a one step process to sign up, but people are afraid here too to provide their personal details via Social sites. Sometimes the entry of their details got saved in the database does not deleted on deleting the account from the website, so their fear can be justified.

There could be many reasons for people not signing up on your website even after providing easy tools and attractive offers to signup. So, we are here with a very powerful tool for you to allow visitors to login into our website using Test Users and explore the system and functionality. Admins can create test users and enable those users for public to login and explore website.

This basic, simple and powerful tool will help you convert your visitors into active members and help them choose right membership level.

Key features

Users can login into any test user account with just a single click and explore the site’s working and functionality.

Admins can choose site member as a test user of same or different Member Levels via auto-suggest box.

Admins can choose to place the Test User Slider Box to enable users to login on a specific widgetized page or all over the site.

The Test User Slider Box is highly customizable – admins can change Heading, Description, Placement, Icon, etc.

2 View Types to display Test users – List View & Grid View

Test Users for Site Tour widget: This widget displays the test users in slider box in the right / left position as chosen by admin.

Test Users can be removed, enabled or disabled from admin panel.

Test user slider box, opens up on clicking the icon with very smooth affect and closes with same affect.

Domain Limit

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