SNS Plugins & Themes Compatibility with SE PHP 6.6.0 - Coupon Code: Upgrade_25

Paws ‘n Claws Package

From: $1,887.00 $1,299.00

Page Directories Plugin

Directories are must haves for your website and are very important in the world of Social Media as with directories you can have anything you image on your website like directories of pets, projects, colleges, products, profiles, classifieds, recipes, places, books, online directory, businesses, stores, restaurants, brands, services, night clubs, musicians, models, schools, etc. All the Brands, Businesses - both Local & International, Public Figures, etc. need a platform and way to showcase themselves on a website and social media for marketing and letting people know what and how they work. And with this plugin you can configure any directory listing as per your site’s requirement very easily and quickly without knowing any coding.

Page Directories plugin provide you all the features and tools to have robust, interactive and fully customizable directory system on your SocialEngine website. With this plugin you can create detailed and rich listing pages which can have page roles, photos, services, custom fields, multiple locations, multi-posting options, crossposting, post attribution, operating hours, members, price, linking with other pages, cover photo, profile photo, Page dashboard, etc. All the features can be configured from admin panel, so you can easily use this plugin to have your own niche directory as per your site’s concept and requirements.

With rich Global Settings, Member Level Settings, Page Creation Settings, Page Roles, Categories & Custom Fields, Configurable Page Dashboard, Manage Pages, Albums, multiple Widgets, Widgetized Pages, 7 attractive views, Pinboard, etc you can easily and quickly create robust page directory system. This plugin also has SEO settings to be configured for each directory listing which will enhance the search capabilities of your website in various search engines.

Ultimate Members Plugin

Advanced Blog Plugin

Advanced Photos & Albums Plugin

Advanced Videos & Channels Plugin

Theme Builder

Member Profiles Cover Photo & Video Plugin

Advanced Events Plugin

Stores Marketplace Plugin

Recipes With Reviews & Location Plugin

When it comes to food, having Master Chef skills is helpful but it’s not all you’ll need. You’ve got to get those five-star recipes to the people – your fans don’t just want to know what you made, they want to know how you made it, and more importantly, how they can make it too. If SocialEngine is your platform, then this Recipes with Reviews and Location Plugin is the best way you can serve those dishes up to your audience.

Recipes with Reviews and Location Plugin provides advanced features for writing Recipes on your websites – custom Publish date, custom URL for Recipes, location, multiple photo upload, reviews, etc.

With the option to change text Recipe and URL to any other texts of your choice, you can use this plugin for Articles, News, Classified, etc. You can also enable / disable all the features from admin panel to make complete use of the plugin.

Unique and attractive 8 different views of Recipes will enable you to highlight and showcase Recipes easily on your website.

Possibility of adding Watermarks/Advertisements for each individual image on Member Leve

Progressive Web App (PWA) Plugin - Interactive Mobile & Tablet Interface

Group Communities Plugin

Advanced Contests Plugin

Advanced Contests is a very powerful and robust plugin that enables you to run and manage contests and competitions on your website. This plugin provides you a full control over the contests on your website by providing many features, settings and options with optimized performance and easy interface.

With this plugin, enable your users to create unlimited contests, participate and vote for the entries. Contest owners can set upto 5 Awards for the top 5 winners of their contests.

Unlike sweepstakes where winners are randomly selected, contests winners are selected by judging using Votes as a set of criteria. Admins can choose to restrict Voting to only logged in members or can enable voting by non-logged in users also. 1 entry can be voted a single time by a user or multiple times depending on the admin settings. Admin can also choose to enable multiple time voting over a specific duration to increase returning traffic to their sites.

This plugin will also help you plan your Marketing Strategy as contests have many benefits and are a great way to give your website a boost in terms of awareness and connection with your audience.

Multi-Use FAQs Plugin

FAQs are very effective and important when you run a website and you receive lot of emails from your users who are your potential customers, bloggers, commenters or just visitors. There are chances that the queries you receive are same most of the times and you have to send same reply to each query again and again.

Professional GDPR Plugin

Questions & Answers Plugin

Questions & Answers are very important for any business, e-commerce shop or an online community as these helps users ask about their queries and get instant answers by not only the website administrators, but also the other users of website. In addition to questions about site, users can ask general questions, code related questions, country, city or questions related to some specific location.

This Question & Answer plugin is a very powerful and robust plugin that enables your users to Ask Questions and get Answers which builds a complete Question & Answer system for your Socialengine site. You can have question and answers for your website or any specific idea as per your requirements. With the URL and Text change capabilities of this plugin, you can use it for multiple purposes.

With this plugin users can not only answer questions, but can also upvote / downvote questions and answers and choose a best answer for their questions on your website. Possibility to add Poll Questions highly increases the usability of this plugin to server all your purposes related to anything Question & Answers.

Community Advertisements Plugin

Professional Search Plugin

Professional Activity & Nested Comments Plugin

People You May Know Plugin

Professional Share Plugin

This plugin quickly deploy the social sharing options on your website. With a variety of display types like sticky social share buttons in sidebar, fly-ins, social share buttons with counter, etc your visitors can easily share your content on various social medias of their choice.

Multiple Language Translator Plugin

This plugin will make your website a multilingual website to serve your international visitors and members using the Google Cloud Translation API which provides a simple programmatic interface for translating an arbitrary string into any supported language using state-of-the-art Neural Machine Translation.

Page Builder and Shortcodes Plugin

Quotes Plugin

Advanced Polls Plugin

Professional File & Media Manager Plugin

Prayers Plugin

Site Tour by Auto Logging With Test User Plugin

An awesome website is developed, various Membership Levels are decided and in spite of Free Membership available, visitors are not joining the website as expected. This sometimes happen because people are afraid of Spam mails and promotions that fill up their inboxes.

Email Verification Reminder Plugin

iOS Native Mobile App Plugin – optional

Android Native Mobile App Plugin – optional

SocialEngine REST APIs Plugin – optional

REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style that defines a set of constraints to be used for creating web services. These web services are used to provide secure and robust JASON REST APIs to SocialEngine based websites. This plugin enables the use of Rest API to access the SocialEngine website as a backend for the native Android and iOS Mobile Apps.

With this plugin you get an easy-to-use REST API, available via HTTP/HTTPS protocols. The requests can be used to grab site’s data in simple JSON format to provide integration between your SocialEngine website and native mobile apps.


Page Directories Plugin

Ultimate Members Plugin

Advanced Blog Plugin

Advanced Photos & Albums Plugin

Advanced Videos & Channels Plugin

Theme Builder

Member Profiles Cover Photo & Video Plugin

Advanced Events Plugin

Stores Marketplace Plugin

Recipes With Reviews & Location Plugin

Progressive Web App (PWA) Plugin - Interactive Mobile & Tablet Interface

Group Communities Plugin

Advanced Contests Plugin

Multi-Use FAQs Plugin

Professional GDPR Plugin

Questions & Answers Plugin

Community Advertisements Plugin

Professional Search Plugin

Professional Activity & Nested Comments Plugin

People You May Know Plugin

Professional Share Plugin

Multiple Language Translator Plugin

Page Builder and Shortcodes Plugin

Quotes Plugin

Advanced Polls Plugin

Professional File & Media Manager Plugin

Prayers Plugin

Site Tour by Auto Logging With Test User Plugin

Email Verification Reminder Plugin

iOS Native Mobile App Plugin

Android Native Mobile App Plugin

SocialEngine REST APIs Plugin

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