Build Your Website in Minutes
Use our Theme Builder to build your website in minutes.
Live website builder
We give you all the necessary tools you need to create your Live website today.
No Coding Skills Required
Enjoy the freedom to drag-and-drop widgets for your content & images into any page of your choice without any coding efforts.
Stand Out from the Crowd
Get noticed & appreciated with professional & stylish looking website that definitely stands you out from the crowd in every aspect.
Live Support
Get Lifetime Upgrades & 90 Days Free Support from SocialNetworking.Solutions so that your live website may work smoothly & fastly.
Build your website in 3 easy steps
Choose easy to configure & robust plugins with highly customized settings you want for your SE website..1
Get rid from coding hassle and save your precious time with Theme builder by building your website in just few minutes.2
Here You Go !! Launch your dream website & show it to the outside world and make your site more engaging & demanding.3
Pre Built Demo’s
17 is just a number but possibilities can be unlimited for the landing page which you can create by your own with easy to customize & highly configurable designs.
Why Theme Builder? What Makes Us Unique?
Get this Theme Builder at an economical price with all the custom features you want for your Website.
- Actual Price
$397 - Discount Price
$99 - You Save
Codeless Builder
An Exclusive Codeless Builder which reduces all your coding efforts and allow you to do configurations as per your desire.
Integrated Plugins
With highly integrated plugins, you can easily make any number of customizations which work well the theme of your website. It’s an extra advance feature of Theme Builder
Many Layouts
Choice of multiple layouts for almost every aspect(Header, Footer, Body, Login/Signup) of your website with multiple configuration options.
Highly Configurable
Theme Builder provides you highly configurable settings for all the elements of your website which help you to make your website look exactly how you want.
Easy to Install
All the modules come up with Theme Builder are easy to install & setup with just one click. You don’t have any need to bother about the hectic installation process for this builder.
Beautiful Designs
Theme builder comes up with the various widgets in theme & plugins which will provide you beautiful designs for all the configurations as per the choice.
Advanced Header
- Advanced Header Plugin is the perfect solution for all your custom need. With this Plugin, you can configure every possible aspect of your header which you want for your website.
- You can easily customize Icons for Mini & Main Menu Items, Settings for Header such as Logo, Header Options, Menu Count, Background Image, Searching Options in Header, Mangeable Color Schemes, Font Family etc. which gives total new look to the header of your website
Login / Signup Popup & Pages
- With this plugin, you can make Login/Signup Popups & Pages more attractive which will give a good impression to users when they get login/signup on your website.
- Customizations for this plugin are easy to handle from the Admin Panel.
- You can choose background photo for the Login/Signup Popup & pages of your choice which will make them more attractive & eye catching.
Body Theme
- Responsive Body Theme is a complete multi-purpose SocialEngine theme which enables you to customize the body for your company, business or any type of social networking websites according to your requirements.
- This theme comes with a 8 pre-built attractive Left / Right Side Widget Heading Designs, Background Image, Left / Right Side Widget Box Radius, Button Styling & Effects, 9 Pre-built beautiful Color Schemes, Manageable Fonts and many more features… which will improve the UI of your website and give a complete new look to it.
Advanced Banner
- Advanced Banner Plugin enables you to have very beautiful, elegant and attractive slideshow on your website.
- Each banner in this plugin can have upto Unlimited Slides with Background Images, Captions, Descriptions, Slides Overlay Color & Opacity with 30 Overlay Patterns, highly configurable 2 CTA buttons etc. You can also show header of your site inside/outside the Banner, thereby making this plugin more robust and easy to use and setup on your website as per your requirements.
HTML5 Photos & Videos Background
- With the “HTML5 Videos & Photos Background Plugin”, you can play videos in the background of any widgetized page on your website.
- With as many videos as you want, you can also choose to display photos in each HTML5 Background which will enhance the overall experience of your users on your website.
- With videos autoplaying in background you can easily convey the purpose of your website to your users very easily.
Advanced Footer
Advanced Footer plugin provides you various designs and options to display in the footer of your website which will help you in showcasing right information based on the type of user [logged in / non-logged in] on your website.
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