Mobile App development has certainly become one of the most innovative and actively growing sectors which always comes up with something different and unique. With the changing interests and demands of people different Mobile Applications make the changes so that the users would love them. Therefore, we are also doing the same & we have integrated our many plugins with the Native iOS Mobile App so that users can excess these plugins on their Mobile Phones easily with the updated versions.
So by keeping this in mind, we always do timely upgrades & enhancements in our mobile apps which make them run smoothly besides letting you stay abreast. We have improvised our Native iOS Mobile App & to make it more user friendly and rich in features we have recently upgraded our iOS app which will bring a lot of new experiences and enhancements in it.
Let’s have a look over the upgrade done in our app:
1. Booking & Appointments Plugin is now integrated in the iOS Mobile App which will help your users to book various types of Services which will be provided by the various Professionals. Here, if you are a Professional and wants to provide your Services then you can also become a professional via this plugin and provide your services.
There are many benefits of Booking & Appointments Plugin and few of them are listed below:
- Users can Book as many Services as they want.
- If you are a Professional then you can also become a Professional and provide your Services.
- As a Professional you can create as many as Services you want.
- Here, you can check your all types of Appointments (Given, Taken, Cancelled, etc.)
2. Courses – LMS Plugin is integrated in the iOS Mobile App which will help the users to create the various courses, lectures & tests in the classroom by the experts or experienced users who want to share their knowledge with the others.
Below listed are some benefits of Courses – LMS Plugin which are listed below:
- Users can create as many classrooms & courses as they want.
- If you have created a classroom then you can create courses in it and in the courses you can create lectures & tests.
- Here, you can buy any course if you want to and like it.
3. Comment Reply Functionality is now available in the iOS Mobile App where you can give a reply on any comment you want.
To boost up the relationship between Experts & Clients, SocialEngine has introduced a new section within their community. So, to stay updated with our New releases, Upgrades & Exciting Offers, please join our SocialNetworking.Solutions Group on SocialEngine Community (after signup).
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+91-9950682999 | vaibhav.sesolution
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