SNS Plugins & Themes Compatibility with SE PHP 6.6.0 - Coupon Code: Upgrade_25

Live Streaming in Android Mobile App



SKU: N/A Category:

Compatible With: SocialEngine 6.6.0

Software Version: 6.6.0

Last Update: July 22, 2024

Go Live and Enjoy sharing your Experiences

Do you want to share what you are doing with your Friends? Missing the friends who are not able to join you in some important/special events? Want to experience the fun your friends are doing without you?

If Yes then, Live Streaming is the Plugin you are looking for!!

Live Streaming

Live Streaming is a live video which will help you to connect anytime over the internet and also helps you to share your experiences from anywhere. As in Live Streaming work moves in Real Time and this will keep you ahead. Streaming is a technology used to deliver content to Mobile Devices over the internet. Hence, Live Streaming has become an effective way to engage with the Audiences.

Advantages of Live Streaming

  • Host Side Video

  • Audience Side Video

How It Works?

Save time and effort. Focus on creating powerful videos to Stream Live.


“Go Live” from Home Page

When you select a Go Live from the Members Home Page then a Preview screen of Live Video will open.


Start your Live Video

Get connected with live stream video & send comments and floating reactions to audience.


Save & Share your Video

Select options to share your videos successfully & save them into your gallery.

What Features we are offering in Live Streaming Plugin?

  • Push Notifications

    When any user Go Live then all his friends will get the Push Notifications to join him so that, no one will miss the joy of Live Events.

  • Live Settings for Users

    Users can set the Privacy settings for connecting people to join their Video, can save the Live Video in Gallery and can enable / disable the sharing of Videos.

  • Live Comments and Reactions

    Here, users can give live Comments and Reactions on the live Video they are joined.

  • Mute the Volume

    When you are going Live then you can Mute the Volume according to your convenience. Audience can also Mute the Volume of the user performing Live Video.

  • View Count

    You will easily be notified that how many users are connected in a particular Live Session as whenever any User joins a Live video then the View Count will be increased.

  • PIP Mode

    While using the Live Streaming, user can watch Live Videos in PIP (Picture in Picture) Mode as it supports Multitasking

  • Blinking of Stories

    You will get easily notified when any Live Video is going on as the Story of that Users will start blinking to join them.

  • Options at Video End Screen

    Users can select at the end also, if they want to Share, Save or Delete their Live Video.

  • Share Videos in Activity Feeds

    You can join Live Videos from the Activity Feeds and can share them in the same so that more users can watch it.

  • Share Videos in Stories

    Users can join Live Videos from the Stories and can share them too.

  • “Thanks for Watching Video” Screen

    Audience can start their own live video after the end of Live Session they are joined by clicking on “Go Live” button

  • Default Image for Story

    You can select the default image to be shown in the Stories when the Live Session is going on or can select the Profile Photos of users.

  • Easy to Configure Member Level Settings

    Admin can configure various settings for this Plugin based on the different member levels like from the Admin Panel like Enable / Disable Live Streaming, Allow Save Live Video, Sharable Places for Live Video, Maximum Allowed Live Video Duration, Maximum Allowed Live Streaming

Domain Limit


Basic Requirements for Live Streaming

1. You need an Agora Account.

  1. You will have to create an account at and provide the App Id in the admin panel.
  2. Please check the Agora pricing for Live streaming here:

2. Need a Separate Server (We support AWS)

  1. The Live Streaming requires separate server configurations and setup. Our team supports only AWS servers as of now.
  2. The service to setup AWS servers for Live Streaming is additionally chargeable. Please contact us for the pricing.

3. App will ONLY work if SSL is installed on your site. The app will NOT work if you do not have SSL installed on your site.

4. This plugin requires “Advanced Videos & Channels Plugin” & “Professional Activity & Nested Comments Plugin” to be installed and enabled on your website for proper working of this plugin.

5. Your server should have 32 GB RAM.

6. Currently we provide support for Ubuntu Server only.

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