FFMPEG Installation Service



FFmpeg is a free software project consisting of a vast software suite of libraries and programs for handling video, audio, and other multimedia files and streams. If you need help with the installation of FFmpeg on your server, then you can purchase this service and let us help you in installing FFmpeg on your server.

FFmpeg will be required if you want to upload videos on your website via “My Computer” option.
Make sure you have a dedicated server before purchasing this service, because we will be needing the ssh root login details to proceed with the installation.

Also, please make sure to take a full backup of your website’s database and files.

Required Information:

We will be needing below mentioned information from you, so please have them ready after purchasing this service:

1) SocialEngine Website Details:

  β€“ Website URL
  β€“ Email
  β€“ Password

2) Server Root Login (SSH) Details:

  β€“ Host
  β€“ Username
  β€“ Password
  β€“ Port

Note: If you do not have these details, then contact your hosting provider.

** This service would be completed within 12-24 business hours of purchase.

Kindly make sure that PHP functions – exec and shell_exec are enabled on your sever.

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