SNS Plugins & Themes Compatibility with SE PHP 6.6.0

Advanced Events Plugin

(2 customer reviews)



SKU: sesevent Category:

Compatible With: SocialEngine 6.6.0

Software Version: 6.6.0

Last Update: July 22, 2024

With this plugin your users can create both online (webinars) and offline (having location) Events on your website. They can choose to create events for their classes, workshops, fundraisers, sporting, trainings, conferences, networking, religion, social, non-profit, and nearly any other type of event.

Event Calendar enables you to search & organize events easily on your website. With event Lists users can maintain a list of events they want to join or they are interested in.

Key features

Attractive and customizable design

100% Responsive and RTL supported.

Users can choose to Join an event and RSVP joined events:
~ As Attending
~ As Maybe Attending
~ As Not Attending

Events can have their Hosts who can be:
~ Site member: In addition to the site’s member profile page, site members can have their own host profile pages. Redirection of site member hosts is configurable from admin panel.
~ Non-site users: A non-site host can have their own host profile pages on your website. This Host Profile page is widgetized. Such hosts will have:
– Their Name, Email, Phone, and Description (about them) and photo at the Create & Edit Event Page with the attractive UI design.
– Their Social Profile links: Facebook, Twitter, Website, Linkedin & Google Plus.
~ Multiple Issues are also resolved for both the pages.
~ Widgetized Browse Hosts Page
~ Various widgets for showcasing hosts on your website.
~ Hosts can be marked Featured, Sponsored, Verified and Of the Day from admin panel.
~ Hosts can be Followed and marked as Favourite by the users of your website.

With “Save This Event” option on Event Profile page users can save events to their saved list.

6 Unique and Attractive Design Layouts & more – Pinboard View, 2 Grid Views, List View, Map View, Masonry View, Slideshows, Carousel, etc.

New settings & designs are added, and removed “View Type Settings” for all carousels.

Members can upload Photos to their Events.

Categories / 2nd-level categories / 3rd-level categories of Events.
~ Categorized Display of Events.
~ Categories can be displayed in Square Blocks View & Icons View.
~ Custom Fields: Create, add or remove custom fields. Category – Custom Fields Mapping will allow you to display custom form fields on the basis of various categories. Unlimited numbers of fields are permitted.

Settings to change the URL for “event” and “events”.

Inbuilt Slideshow to showcase events features on your website to your clients:
~ Admin can upload unlimited slides and enable / disable them from admin panel.
~ Slides in slideshow are displayed in new view in which previous and next slides are partially viewed.
~ Slideshow has searching buttons for:
– Search By Country
– Find Events Near You
~ Get Started button with option to view create event form in popup or redirect to create event page.

Event owners can moderate who can join their events as guests and who can not.

With Invite Guests option users can invite their friends to events.

Event Owners can message to guests of their events.

Locations for events. Users can search events based on these locations.

Advanced Share options for Events from their Profile pages – quick Ajax share, sharing in Private Message, Social Share, etc.

Redirection option upon clicking Events Menu in Main Navigation Menu – Welcome Page, Events Home Page or Browse Events Page.

Built-in Social Sharing Functionality (Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest)

Rating on Events with custom Rating Parameters.

Organized Manage Events section to find My Events, Liked Events, Favourite Events, etc.

Activity Feeds, Site Notifications and Email Notifications are sent for all important actions.

Members can give Ratings and Reviews on Events.

Tags can be associated with Events to enable easy and tag based searching.
~ Tags can be displayed in Cloud View & Tab View.

Events can be marked Featured, Sponsored and Verified from admin panel.
~ Member Level Settings to enable auto Approval, Featured, Sponsored or Verified events from admin panel.

Users can enter “Custom Terms & Conditions” for their events.

Admin Settings to enable / disable various features.

Member Level Settings to restrict features to certain member levels.

Widgetized Pages for Events Welcome Page, Events Home, Locations, Browse Pages for Events, Categories & Reviews, View Pages for Events, Categories & Reviews, Manage Page, etc.

Multiple Widgets.

Event Profile Page

Attractive Event Cover Photo: users can easily:
~ Upload new cover photo via AJAX.
~ Take new photo from their webcams.
~ Remove cover photo.
~ Improved & high quality UI for Background Event Cover Photo.

Advanced Share option to enable AJAX based quick sharing, Social sharing, site sharing via activity feed or private message.

Event Albums, Location, Reviews, Discussions, Overview, Info, Terms & Conditions, etc can be shown.

Widgets to show Similar Events.

Event Status widget to show current status of the event.


Events Can:
~ be Created.
~ have start and end dates.
Dates can be chosen via attractive calendar or entered via Keyboard.
~ have Timezone
~ have custom URLs
~ be Rated.
~ have tags.
~ have hosts
~ be Added to Favorite.
~ have locations or can be offline.
– Specific Address can be added for event location.
~ have Main photos and Cover Photos.
~ be Liked and Commented.
~ be marked Featured, Sponsored, Verified and Of the Day from admin panel.
~ be approved / disapproved.
~ have custom default photo
~ People must be invited to RSVP for this event
~ Invited guests can invite other people as well

Settings to change urls “event” and “events”.

Categories / 2nd-level categories / 3rd-level categories can be added.

Custom Fields can be added based on categories.

Custom Terms & Conditions can be added.

Welcome Page

A Welcome page enables you to highlight special events via various widgets on your website. You can brief your users the benefit to share their events on your website.

You can choose to enable the Events Welcome page as the Landing Page of your website.

You can enable / disable this page by choosing the redirection from Events menu in Main Navigation Menu.

Locations & Location Cluster

Users can choose to associate Locations with their Events.

Users can enter address for their events.

Users can choose Timezone for their events.

Filtering of events over these locations is available in Events Search widgets.

New Widgetized page for searching events based on their Locations.

The searched events are displayed in attractive location cluster.

When there is more than 1 event for same location, then this cluster is formed and is opened very nicely in circular format.

A red line is shown, on mouseover of each event, highlighting its path from Original Location.

On mouseover on any event, you can view the event in small grid view there in the map.

You can search event over proximity and other search options on widgetized Locations page.

This page can be easily enabled / disabled from the admin panel.

Specific widget to show Events in admin chosen countries.

Reviews & Ratings

Members can review and rate events.

Settings to enable / disable reviews on own events.

Review Create Page has:
~ Pros and Cons
~ Description
~ Recommended Option

Reviews can be Shared and Reported.

Rating Parameters can be added based on categories.

While giving ratings, mouse over texts can be added for all rating stars like: text “Terrible” can be shown when users mouse over on 1st star.

Reviews can be marked Featured, Verified and Of the Day from admin panel.


Admins can create Categories, 2nd-level categories and 3rd-level categories for Events: Allows you to easily categorize Events into various Categories, 2nd-level categories and 3rd-level categories of your choice.

2 Widgetized Pages – Browse Categories Page and Category View Page.

Categories Can:
~ have Icons.
~ have thumbnails.
~ Description
~ Own Colors
~ Own Category Slug. This slug will be automatically selected as that of the Category Name.
~ be shown in Hierarchy View, Icons View, Square Blocks View or Cloud View.
~ easily reordered in the admin panel.
~ have Custom Profile Fields and mapping with them.
~ be categorized to 3 levels.
~ be created and associated with Albums.

Widgetized Pages

Events Welcome Page  

Events Home Page  

Browse Events Page  

Upcoming Events  

Past Events  

Calendar Page  

Locations Page  

Browse Categories Page  

Event Create Page

Manage Events Page

Event Profile Page  

Category View Page  

Browse Tags Page  

Browse Hosts Page  

Browse Lists  


Advanced Share Widget

Calendar Widget

Category Carousel

Popular / Featured / Sponsored / Verified Events

Popular / Featured / Sponsored / Verified Events Carousel

Popular / Featured / Sponsored / Verified Event Hosts

and more…

Popular / Featured / Sponsored / Verified Event Hosts Carousel

Popular Lists Carousel

Categories Icon View

Country Tabbed widget


Advanced Events – Videos Extension
Advanced Events Videos Extension enabled you to upload Videos for the events on your website. With this, you would be able to upload from Youtube (via Single URL and Playlists), Vimeo, Daily Motion, From URL, From Embed Code and My Computer.

Advanced Events – Events Tickets Selling & Booking System
Event ticket selling online has become more and more popular these days. People are even buying tickets for international events both online and offline like Online Classes, Sports Events, Music Festivals, etc which requires support for multiple currencies.

Admin Panel

Admin Can:
~ Choose text for the URL “event” and “events”.
~ Set the Welcome page as a Landing Page is no more one time setting as you can again reset the default Landing Page as per your choice from the admin panel.
~ Choose to redirect users to Events Welcome Page or Events Home Page or Browse Events Page on clicking Events Menu in Main Navigation Menu bar.
~ Choose to enable / disable locations for events.
~ Choose proximity search unit – Kilometer / miles for searching events.
~ Choose to make categories mandatory.
~ Choose to make profile photo mandatory.
~ Enable / Disable various features Globally and for certain Member Levels:
– Rating on Events.
– Add to Favorite for Events.
– Sharing of Events.
– Reporting of Events.
– Show Custom Terms   Conditions.
– Show “People must be invited to RSVP for this event” Option.
– Show “Invited guests can invite other people as well” Option
– Enable “Save This Event”.
– Allow to Follow Event Host
– Redirection After Event Creation
– Choose number of events to be created by members depending on their Member Levels.
~ Manage Events
~ Manage Slides for Slideshow.
~ Manage Hosts
~ Manage Dashboard
~ Manage Lists
~ Add and manage Categories, 2nd-level categories and 3rd level categories.
~ Add and manage Form Questions and map with categories.
~ Entering criteria into the filter fields will help you find and take appropriate actions on specific entries in all Manage Pages.
~ Review Settings to enable / disable:
– Reviews.
– Pros and Cons fields.
– Review Description.
– Recommended Option.
– Report and Share option.
– Settings for mouseover text for all rating stars
– Manage Reviews
– Various Member Level based settings.
– Rating Parameters can be added based on categories.
~ View Statistics
~ Event Creation Page Settings:
For the event creation settings, admin can enable / disable various settings as per your requirement:
– Event Description
– Tags Option
– Main Photo of Events
– Page Or Popup for Create New Event
– Status Option

Note: This plugin is 100% responsive with all responsive themes.

Domain Limit

  1. Avatar

    Roberto (verified owner)

    I didn’t think it was so important to have the event plugin. Instead after trying this plugin I am convinced that it is essential to have it installed.
    It is very complete and professional, turning events into a great opportunity for Social visitors. great plugin!

  2. Avatar

    Demetrio (verified owner)

    If you, like me, manage events, this plugin will give your events page a fantastic touch!

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