Updates regarding Sendinblue is now Brevo

Updates regarding Sendinblue is now Brevo

Sendinblue is now Brevo, so as per this new change Sendinblue is also changing the smtp relay domain to its new domain.

So, we would like to inform you to update your SMTP relay domain from smtp-relay.sendinblue.com to smtp-relay.brevo.com.

To do this, follow the below steps below in your SocialEngine Website:

  1. Got to the mail setting in admin panel : https://[YOURDOMAIN]/admin/mail/settings
  2. Change the SMTP Server Address from smtp-relay.sendinblue.com to smtp-relay.brevo.com
    Updates regarding Sendinblue is now Brevo

You need to do this change before August 30, 2023 to continue using sendinblue’s services.

Please note that there’s no need to change your credentials or port number for the SMTP relay. If you do not have outbound domains reaching the Sendinblue SMTP relay, then no action is required from your side.


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