Guidelines Social Photo Media Importer – Flickr API Key

Flickr App

When building a community it can be very useful to utilize larger, more established social networks to help spread the word. Flickr integration via Social Photo Media Importer Plugin gives you an opportunity to do this by allowing your users to import photos from their Flickr Account to your social network website.

In order to integrating Social Photo Media Importer via Flickr to your SocialEngine PHP site you must create an app and then enter the pertinent information into your SE PHP Admin panel, of the “Social Photo Media Importer Plugin”. The following article will walk you through each step to help accomplish both the tasks.

Step1: Creating Your App

  1. First, Login to your Flickr Account from here:
  2. Next to create a Flickr app, you need to go to your developer’s account of Flickr. For this, please follow this url:
  3. Now you are at Flickr Services page. Here, Click on “Apply For A Commercial Key” button to get Flickr key.
  4. On the next page, Under “Tell us about your app” form enter all details it is asking for and click “Submit” button.
  5. Next, Click on “Edit app details” link.
  6. Enter your website URL.
  7. Navigate back to previous page, and click “Edit auth flow for this app” link.
  8. Now, you are at “Edit Authentication Flow” page, here fill all details and click “Save Changes” button and you are done and photo importing via Flickr should work!
    Callback URL: Put http or https whatever your site supports.
  9. Now, you will be having with Key and Secret. You need to copy them and paste in your Admin Panel, so login to your SocialEngine admin panel and go to the Admin >> Social Photo Media Importer Plugin >> Flickr Tab >> Enter “Flickr Key” and “Flickr Secret” in the respective fields.
    If you already have an app, view your API keys from here.