SNS Plugins & Themes Compatibility with SE PHP 6.7.0
SNS Plugins & Themes Compatibility with SE PHP 6.7.0

Group Communities – Packages for Allowing Group Creation Extension


Do you want to monetize from the Groups on your website, then here comes the Packages for Allowing Group Creation Extension using which you can enable Packages for creating Groups on your website.

With this Extension you can allow the members of your site to create Group only after subscribing to at-least one of the packages which can be made – Free or Paid. You can make any number of Free and Paid packages by providing different features in each package according to your requirement.

The question may arise – why members will pay money to you for creating Groups on your site? The Group on your website can provide your users a way to connect to their audience and use this system for advertising their businesses. With the Social sharing, Group Announcements, Group Photos & Albums, Group Services and many other features of Group Communities Plugin the reach of your users to their potential audience is not limited.


SKU: N/A Category:

Enhance and Monetize your website With Group Communities Packages.


Package Title & Description

Each package can have its own title and description.

Groups Count

For each package you can choose the number of Groups users will be able to create on your website.

Member Level

You can set the visibility of the package based on the member level of the user.


A package can be made Free or Paid. So, you can enter the price of the package and choose the Billing Cycle to be charged:
a. One Time
b. Recurring Payment

Package Inclusions

You can choose the features that you want to include in the Packages for creating Groups on your website. This setting will affect packages globally.

a. Package Description
b. Featured
c. Sponsored
d. Verified
e. Hot
f. Custom Profile Fields

Billing Duration

You can choose when a package should expire.

Enable SEO Fields

You can choose when a package should expire.

Enable Overview

You can choose when a package should expire.

Auto Approve Groups

You can choose to auto-approve Groups of paid packages and manually approve the free packages to ensure the quality of Group content on your website. Likewise, when Group owners will see difference from auto-approve Groups, they will upgrade their package and you will get more payments.

Allow Custom Fields

You can choose to enable / disable custom profile fields so that the lower or free packages do not have the details in their Groups, but the Groups created in higher packages have more profile fields and details about their Groups. More subscription to Paid packages will mean more monetization!

Automatically Marking as Featured, Sponsored, Verified, Hot

You can choose to automatically mark Groups created in higher packages as featured, Sponsored, Verified or Hot so that Group owners get more encouragement to subscribe to higher packages. This will give their Groups more visibility and weightage on your website.

Enable Contact All Members

You can enable Group owners to contact all members about Group updates, news, remind about sharing Groups or anything via Messages.

This feature can be very useful, so Group owners can subscribe higher packages on your website to create Groups and contact the members to update them about their Groups.

Highlight Package

You can create multiple unlimited packages and choose any packages to be highlighted among all the package.

Show In Upgrade?

You can allow a package to be shown to Group owner in Upgrade Package section, so that they can upgrade to available higher packages.

Group Service

You can enable / disable Group Services in Groups based on the Package chosen by Group Owners.

Enable Group Profile Designs Selection

You can enable Group owners to choose designs of their Groups on your website for each package.

Allow to Upload Group Main Photo & Background Photo

Group Main Photo and Background Photo can be enabled / disabled.

Default Main Photo for Groups

You can enable / disable Group Services in Groups based on the Package chosen by Group Owners.

Allow to Upload Group Cover Photo

Group Cover Photo can be enabled / disabled based on Package.

Default Cover Photo for Groups

Default photo for Group Cover photo can be uploaded different in each package separately.

Allow to “Add a CTA Button”

You can enable / disable Group owners to add CTA buttons to their Groups based on the Package.

Albums Upload in Groups

Group Owners can be allowed to upload Albums, Photos in their Groups based on Packages.

Group Announcements

You can enable / disable Group owners to post Announcements in their Groups based on packages.

Group Insights & Reports

You can allow / disallow Group owners to view insights and reports of their Groups based on Packages..

Group Price

You can choose to enable / disable Group owners to enter price for their Groups based on Packages.

Allow Owners to Select Price Type

Groups owners can also be allowed to select the type of their Group prices (Show Price / Starting Price) based on Packages.

Enable Contact Info

You can enable Overview to be entered in Groups in packages.

Integration with Multi Currency Switcher & Currency Exchange Plugin

This extension is seamlessly integrated with the “Multi Currency Switcher & Currency Exchange Plugin” and thus supports multiple currencies for subscription to the Group packages.

Admin Panel

Enable / Disable packages for group creation

Select Package Features which will be shown to users while subscribing for the Package

Set the activation of groups after payment:
  – Enable group immediately, before the payment passes the gateways’ fraud checks
  – Enable if user has an existing successful transaction, wait if this is their first
  – Wait until the gateway signals that the payment has completed successfully

Choose the alignment for Packages:
  – Horizontal
  – Vertical

Create new group packages

Edit / View existing packages

Enable / Disable existing packages

Manage group packages payment transactions made on site

1 Click Install & Easy To Setup

This plugin can be easily installed with 1 click and can be easily configured. Helpful Video Tutorials, Installation Tutorial and FAQs for this plugin will make it more easy for you to setup and create slideshows using this plugin on your site.

Lifetime Upgrades with 90 Days Free Support

Get free upgrades lifetime for this plugin and free support for first 90 days of your purchase.

Domain Limit

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