SNS Plugins & Themes Compatibility with SE 7.2.0
SNS Plugins & Themes Compatibility with SE 7.2.0

Page Short URL Extension



SKU: N/A Category:

What are the Benefits of this Extension?

With this extension, you can have the following benefits:

  • User Friendly URLs
  • Customizable Page URLs
  • Automatic Shortening of Page URL
  • Replacement of Old URLs with New Short URLs
  • Short URLs activation based on Likes Limit
  • Offensive URLs Restriction
  • Automatic activation of already existing Pages URLs after installation of this extension.


With this extension, Page Owners are allowed to create short User friendly URLs for their Pages which are easy to access, remember & share by the website visitors.

Admin is allowed to choose if Page owners should be able to edit their custom Page URLs.

Admin can enable / disable automatic shortening of Page URLs like: from to:

If enabled, short URLs for Pages are activated everywhere, and old Page URLs will re-direct to the new short URLs.

Admin can choose the Likes limit and if it exceeds then Short URLs will become active for respective Pages. The activated URL can accessible by other users when they select any Page among those Pages in Browse Pages section under Page Directories Plugin.

Installing this extension also activates short URLs for already existing Pages.

Admin can restrict any specific URL components to disallow URLs that contain offensive or generic words.

Provide your users to a better way to remember their Pages URLs, so that they can easily share
them with their friends, family, business colleagues or anyone else.


Before this Extension

After this Extension

1 Click Install & Easy To Setup

This plugin can be easily installed with 1 click and can be easily configured. Helpful Video Tutorials, Installation Tutorial and FAQs for this plugin will make it more easy for you to setup and use this plugin on your site.

Lifetime Upgrades with 90 Days Free Support

Get free upgrades lifetime for this plugin and free support for first 90 days of your purchase.

Domain Limit

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