Android Mobile App Under Maintenance due to Target API level requirements for Google Play apps

Android Mobile App Under Maintenance due to Target API level requirements for Google Play apps

We want to inform you about an important update regarding our app’s compatibility with the latest Android versions. According to the new Google Play Store guidelines, “Apps with a target level of Android 12 (API level 31) or lower will not be available to new users running an Android OS higher than the app’s target API after August 31, 2024.”

To ensure that our app remains accessible to new users with the latest Android versions, we are currently working on upgrading our app code to be compatible with these new requirements. This upgrade process will take some time, and we are committed to releasing the updated version as soon as possible.

We appreciate your patience and understanding during this transition period. We will keep you updated on our progress and notify you as soon as the upgraded app is available.

Thank you for your continued support. Read More from Google Play Store here:


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