SNS Plugins & Themes Compatibility with SE PHP 6.6.0 - Coupon Code: Upgrade_25

Testimonial Showcase Plugin



SKU: N/A Category:

Compatible With: SocialEngine 6.6.0

Software Version: 6.6.0

Last Update: July 22, 2024

Why Do You Need Testimonials on Your Website?

Testimonials are the best way to strengthen your brand and reliability with new users. It:

  • Help you to build your users trust & faith in your business / community.
  • Good Rating stars attract users of your website.
  • Gives your users specific and compelling reasons to join your community.
  • Can help you increase conversation rates on your website.
  • Acquiring and utilizing testimonials is inexpensive way to display about your community.
SocialEngine Testimonials Plugin

Unlimited Testimonials

  • With this Plugin, you and your website users are allowed to create numbers of Testimonials very easily.
  • These testimonials can be displayed at various pages & widgets on your website very attractively.
  • All the testimonials created will be listed under Browse Testimonials section of your website.
  • All the settings are admin configurable.

Highly Customizable Testimonials

  • Testimonials created with this plugin are highly customizable as Admin is allowed to configure the following settings at the time of Testimonial creation such as :
    • Enable Title and View Page for testimonials
    • Long and Short Testimonial Description
    • Designation
    • Ratings
    • Help marking for the testimonials
  • Maximum Allowed Testimonial Entries can be configured on the per member level basis.

Attractive Designs

  • Testimonial Showcase Plugin comes up with the unique 5 display designs including various Widgets, View page & Carousel Slider.
  • These Designs are listed as :
    • List View
    • Advanced List View
    • Grid View
    • Advanced Grid View
    • Pinboard View
  • With these designs you can showcase your testimonials very creatively on your website which ultimately increase the number of visitors at your site.

Elegant Testimonial Slider

  • This Plugin provides the helpful feature for showcasing the testimonials in Carousel Slider at any page of your website.
  • Admin can configure the settings such as Testimonial count, Testimonial Truncation Limit, Popularity criteria, testimonial display based on the Ratings and many more from layout editor very easily.

Star Rating System

  • Users are allowed to share reviews for the Testimonials by giving their suitable ratings(out of 5) about your website at the time of Testimonial creation.
  • These ratings will increase the potential & trust of any website.


For Testimonial Showcase Plugin, we have various Widgets with the help of which you can
Display Testimonials on your website. All these widgets are configurable.

  • Browse Testimonials
  • Side Bar with all Designs
  • Slideshow
  • Testimonial Browse Menu
  • Testimonial Browse Search
  • Sidebar – List View

Helpful Marking for Testimonials

  • Users are allowed to mark any Testimonial as helpful from their view page if they found any testimonial helpful & genuine.
  • If they want to unmark the testimonials from helpful, then they can do that also.

Admin Approval System for Testimonials

  • For restricting the less useful or offensive testimonials on your website, Admin is allowed to enable the admin approval setting for the testimonials on member level basis.
  • If enable, then request will send to the Admin for the approval of Testimonial by the testimonial creator.
  • By this you can secure your website from abusive reviews.

Robust Admin Panel

This plugin has a very powerful admin panel which provides various settings to enable / disable for almost all the options. We have provided a rich set of settings. Writing about admin panel would be too short for this plugin, so we have created Screenshots of all the sections in Admin Panel.

  • Global Settings
    Global Settings allows you to enable various settings for the Testimonials such as Title / View Page, Long Description, Designation, Rating & Helpful settings for this Plugin.
  • Manage Testimonials
    All the Testimonials created by you and your website users will get listed under this section. You can search any testimonial according to the requirement.
  • Member Level Settings
    Rich Member level Settings which enables your members to create, view, edit and delete, Comment on Testimonials on your website.
    From this section, Admin is allowed to enable auto Approve, Testimonial as Helpful and can enter the maximum number of testimonial creation on the basis of member level.
  • Widgetized Pages
    All the widgetized pages of this Plugin are listed under this section. Admin can easily go to particular widgetized page in “layout Editor” by clicking on widgetized pages.The user side link of the page can be viewed by clicking on “User Page” link under this section.

100% Responsive

The plugin is 100% responsive. Automatically adapts to any devices (Mobile phone, tablet and desktop). You can take full control of the color scheme and designing of plugin with our powerful yet easy-to-use admin panel of this plugin from setting to styling.

1 Click Install & Easy To Setup

This plugin can be easily installed with 1 click and can be easily configured. Helpful Video Tutorials, Installation Tutorial and FAQs for this plugin will make it more easy for you to setup and create Testimonials using this plugin on your site.

90 Days Free Support

Get free upgrades lifetime for this plugin and free support for first 90 days of your purchase.

Domain Limit

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