SNS Plugins & Themes Compatibility with SE PHP 6.6.0 - Coupon Code: Upgrade_25

Advanced Listing Plugin



SKU: N/A Category:

Compatible With: SocialEngine 6.6.0

Software Version: 6.6.0

Last Update: July 22, 2024

What Is The Need Of This Plugin?

  • With the help of this Plugin, you can allow your users to create as many listings as they want in the different categories created by the site admin from the Admin Panel of this Plugin.
  • You can also use this plugin for creating Blogs, Classifieds on your website for which you can configure settings as per your choice from the Admin Panel of this Plugin.
  • You can also create sub listing for the main listing from listing’s Profile Page created on your website which is an advanced feature of this Plugin.
  • Users can like, comment, share, favourite, follow, report the listings and the respective listing owner will get notified for the same.
  • Listings can be a good choice for the shopping or commercial based sites where you need to create & maintain huge listings to showcase to site users.
SocialEngin Advanced Listing Plugin

Advanced Listings Plugin allow your users to create as many listings as they want on your website. For the listings, they can configure various settings as per their choice – Listing Title, Tags, Price, Custom Publish Date, Location, Category, Description etc. For the Listings, you can also create sub listings which will get displayed at the various widgetized pages of this plugin. Users are also allowed to give Reviews & Ratings on the listings whenever they want. All the listings created by the users can be easily managed from the Admin Panel of this Plugin. All the widgets provided this plugin are highly configurable and site owner can configure settings as per the choice form the layout editor. Also Site Owner can create 1st, 2nd, 3rd Level Categories for the Listings which users can choose at the time of Listing creation on your website.

Unlimited Listings Creations

Advanced Listing Plugin provides advanced features for creating the listings on your website for the numerous categories created by the site admin from the Admin Panel of this plugin. With the help of this plugin, you can enable you site users to create as many listing in the categories as they want by entering the following details in the Listing Creation Form:

  • Listing Title

    Give the title for the Listing which will get displayed on your website to your users.

  • Listing Custom URL

    For the listing at the time of its creation, you can also give custom URL per your choice if enabled from the Admin panel of this Plugin.

  • Tags(Keywords)

    You can give Tags & Keywords as per your choice which will help in finding listings more easily on your website and ultimately help in SEO.

  • Price(in USD)

    Price for the Listing can also be given at the time of its creations which will get displayed to the users at various widgetized pages of this Plugin.

  • Custom Publish Date

    Choose the custom publish date for the Listing at the time of its creation. You can choose start date & time for the Listing or you can publish it directly.

  • Location for Listing

    Choose location for the Listing while its creation so that users can easily find the listing via its location.

  • Category

    You can choose 1st, 2nd or 3rd level category for the listings while its creation if enabled from the Admin Panel of this Plugin.

  • Main Photo for Listing

    Users can easily choose main photo for the listing.

  • Listing Description

    For the listing, you can add description which will get displayed to the site users at the Profile Page of the Listing.

  • Comemnet & View Privacy for Listings

    Also you can choose options for the Listing that who can view or comment on the Listing created by you.

Listing Custom Publish Date

Listing creation with the help of this plugin is very easy as you can allow your users to add custom publish date at the time of listing creation on your website. The users can add Start Date & Time for the LIsting or they can directly publish the listing without choosing any custom date for the Listing.

Location & Location Cluster for Listings

  • Users can choose to associate Locations with their Listings.
  • Filtering of Listings over these locations is available in Listing Search widgets.
  • New Widgetized page for searching Listings based on their Locations.
  • The searched listings are displayed in attractive location cluster.
  • When there is more than 1 Listing for same location, then this cluster is formed and is opened very nicely in circular format.
  • A red line is shown, on mouseover of each listing, highlighting its path from Original Location.
  • On mouseover on any listing, you can view the listing in small grid view there in the map. You can search listing over proximity and other search options on widgetized Locations page. This page can be easily enabled / disabled from the admin panel.

Listing Price

Price for the Listing can also be given at the time of its creations which will get displayed to the users at various widgetized pages and sidebar widgets of this plugin.

Listings Tags & Keywords

Users can add Tags & Keywords for the listings at the time of creation. Tags can be associated with listings to enable easy and tag based searching. Tags can be displayed in Cloud View & Tab View.

Listing Categories

  • Admins can create Categories, 2nd-level categories and 3rd-level categories for Listings: Allows you to easily categorize listings into various Categories, 2nd-level categories and 3rd-level categories of your choice.
  • For Categories 2 Widgetized Pages are there – Browse Categories Page and Category View Page.
  • Categories Can:
    • Have Icons
    • Have Thumbnails
    • Have Description
    • Own Category Slug(This slug will be automatically selected as that of the Category Name)
    • Be shown in the Hierarchy View, Icons View, Square Blocks View or Cloud View
    • Easily reordered in the Admin Panel.
    • Have Custom Profile Fields and mapping with them.
    • Be categorized into 3 levels
    • Be created and associated with Albums.

Sub Listing Creation

Users are allowed to create sub listings for the listings they have created on your website. These sub listings can be created from the Profile Page of the Main Listing.

Listing Dashboard

  • Advanced Listing Plugin has a very robust and feature rich Dashboard. You can easily configure it from the Admin panel of your site. All the features can also be made available based on the Member Levels.
  • With Listing Roles, you can choose to enable listing owners to give access to the Dashboard of their Listings. Listing Roles will only be able to access the features based on their Roles.
  • Listing Dashboard Comprise of Edit Listing, Edit Photo, Listing Roles, Contact Information, SEO Details, Edit Style, Edit Location.

Like, Favourite, Share

  • Users are allowed to like listings created on your website and the liked listings will get displayed in the various sidebar widgets of this Plugin.
  • Also they can Favourite any of the listing as per their choice from the Profile page and other widgetized pages of this plugin.
  • Users can follow any of the listings created on your website to get the latest updates of that listing.
  • Built-in Social Sharing Functionality (Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest). Advanced Share option to enable AJAX based quick sharing, Social sharing, site sharing via activity feed or private message.

Report Listings

Users can be allowed to report Listings on your website. These reports can be easily seen by you from admin panel and appropriate actions can be taken from there only. Integrated with the SE’s core Abuse Report feature.

Claim Listings

This advanced feature allows your members to do claim on the listings on your website.

  • Admins can enable / disable this feature.
  • Admins approve or reject a claim request.
  • Claimer gets notification of admin’s action.
  • Member whose Listing is claimed will get notified.

Reviews & Ratings

  • Users are allowed to give reviews & ratings in the listings created on your website. Settings can be enabled / disabled for the reviews from the admin panel.
  • Review Create Page has:
      ~ Pros and Cons
      ~ Description
      ~ Recommended Option
  • Reviews can be Shared and Reported.
  • Rating Parameters can be added based on categories.
  • While giving ratings, mouse over texts can be added for all rating stars like: text “Terrible” can be shown when users mouse over on 1st star.
  • Reviews can be marked Verified and Of the Day from admin panel.

4 Listing Labels

Listings created on your website can have 4 labels which will get displayed at the various widgetized pages and sidebar widgets of this plugin. Listing Labels can be displayed in cover photo or separately in this widget providing you full control over what you display and how you display various labels in listings on your website. These Labels are :

  • Featured
  • Sponsored
  • Verified
  • New & Hot Labels

4 Attractive Listing Design Views

  • This plugin have very attractive, nice and elegant 4 design views for the listings to be chosen from:
    1) Grid View
    2) Advanced Grid View
    3) List View
    4) Pinboard View
  • For all the views, various settings like height, width, count of Pages, etc are available in the Layout editor in admin panel.

Listing View & Comment Privacy

Listing Owners can choose the view privacy, comment privacy for their Listings on your website. This will help them choose the audience for their listings. You can select the privacy options based on the Member Level of the listing owner for each type.

Manageble Listings

  • The Listings created by the users can be easily managed from the Manage listings section of this Plugin.
  • Admin can View, Edit, Delete any specific listing with its details also.
  • These listings can be marked as Featured, Sponsored, Verified, Hot, Of the Day according to the choice & requirement.
  • Admin is also enabled to search any listing by entering the fields into the search filter under this section.


This section will display the statistics report for various aspects of this plugin such as : Total Listings, Total Approved Listings, Total Featured Listings, Total Sponsored Listings, Total Listing Albums, Total Listing Photos, Total Listing Videos, Total Reviews, Total Verified Listings, Total Favourite Listings, Total Comments, Total Views, Total Likes.

Seamless Integration with other Plugins

This plugin is closely and seamlessly integrated with other plugins to provide your users to create as many listings on your site. With this integration, duplicate data will not be created on your website and users can easily create listings on your website without uploading the same content again and again.

Rich Member Level Settings

With this plugin you can have control over various functionalities based on the Member Level of the listings your website. Please find below the list of features that you can control based on the member levels:

  • Viewing of listings.
  • Creation of listings.
  • Editing of listings.
  • Deletion of listings.
  • Commenting on listings.
  • Enable Auto Approve for Listings.
  • Listing View & Comment Privacy options.
  • Allow Claim on Listings.
  • Allow to choose “Listing View & Comment Privacy Based on Member Levels”
  • Maximum Allowed Listing Entries.

14+ Widgetized Pages

Advanced Listing Plugin comes up with the 14+ highly configurable Widgetized Pages with the help of which site Admin can set up pages with different widgets of his choice. These Pages are:

  • Listings Home Page
  • Browse Listings Page
  • Browse Categories Page
  • Browse Reviews Page
  • Manage Listings Page
  • New Claims Page
  • Listing Create Page
  • Listing Profile Page
  • Browse Tags Page
  • Review Profile Page
  • Album View Page
  • Photo View Page
  • Browse Claim Requests Page
  • Listing Category View Page

60+ Highly Configurable Widgets

This plugin can be easily installed with 1 click and can be easily configured. Helpful Video Tutorials, Installation Tutorial and FAQs for this plugin will make it more easy for you to setup and allow your users to create listings on your website.


  • Advanced Listings – Packages for Allowing Listing Creation Extension
    With this Extension, you can allow the members of your site to create Listings only after subscribing to at-least one of the packages which can be made – Free or Paid. You can make any number of Free and Paid packages by providing different features in each package according to your requirement.

1 Click Install & Easy To Setup

This plugin can be easily installed with 1 click and can be easily configured. Helpful Video Tutorials, Installation Tutorial and FAQs for this plugin will make it more easy for you to setup and allow your users to create listings on your website.

100% Fully Responsive Design

This plugin is 100% responsive. Automatically adapts to any devices (Mobile phone, tablet and desktop). You can take full control of the color scheme and designing slides with our powerful yet easy-to-use admin panel of this plugin from setting to styling.

Lifetime Upgrades & 90 Days Free Support

Get free upgrades lifetime for this plugin and free support for first 90 days of your purchase.

Domain Limit

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